How To Properly Run The L-Drill With Dave Spitz | Pro Agility Drill
Speaker 1: Plant, so that your hand is just underneath your shoulder here. Take the whole line here. So, your shoulder should be in advance of your hand. More, more, more. There you go.
Hand comes up. Now we're going to bound, and you're going to land on the right foot and stop.
Right there. Push off the right foot, we're gonna land on the left and touch with our right hand. So, watch.
Push off the left. Back. Land on the right. Yep, and then come back.
Good. And, then, from there, you want to take three steps. Go one, two, three. So, you setup an inside-
Speaker 2: Got it.
Speaker 1: Speed cut here. So, just take one, two, three.
Speaker 2: Ooh.
Speaker 1: Stop. Good.
Then, from, here-
Speaker 2: Weight's on this side foot?
Speaker 1: Yep. You're gonna go ... We got nine steps to get back to this speed cut.
Speaker 2: Alright.
Speaker 1: So, you're gonna go one, two, three, four.
Speaker 2: Got it.
Speaker 1: Five, six, seven, eight, nine.
Speaker 2: Okay. Four sideways.
Speaker 1: Yeah. So, go one, two, three, four, five. Good. Now, six, seven, eight, nine.
Inside cut. Here.
Speaker 2: Okay.
Speaker 1: Back to inside cut here.
Speaker 2: Right.q
Speaker 1: And, as you go, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine.
Speaker 2: Got it.
I just like that layup. You know what I mean? [inaudible 00:01:25] tourniquet. Ooh. Yeah.
Speaker 3: Seven four one.
Speaker 1: [crosstalk 00:01:32] three, four, five, six, seven [crosstalk 00:01:36]. 10, 11, 12.
Speaker 4: That's not bad, bro.
Speaker 1: One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, nine ... There you go. But, hey, it's gotta be here, here. Here. Outside, right at the bathrooms. Inside, right [crosstalk 00:01:53], fast.
Two speed cut. 12 steps. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12.
Speaker 5: Okay.
Speaker 1: If I can fucking do it, you sure as shit can. You guys have practiced this enough.
Speaker 5: [crosstalk 00:02:10] time.
Speaker 1: It's rare. People start choking. [crosstalk 00:02:14]
Speaker 6: I'm trying to get there.
Speaker 7: No worry.
Speaker 1: That's it. Yeah.
Get that big body into the turn. Bank that shit.
Speaker 7: Go, man. Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker 1: This drill has one, two, three, four.
Speaker 8: C'mon.
Speaker 7: C'mon.
Speaker 8: Yeah.
Speaker 9: Six, six, nine.
Speaker 1: Oh, six nine?
Speaker 10: Six, six, nine.