Slow Drip Coffee Maker | This Is How We Brew It
Speaker 1: Welcome to, This is How We Brew It! By caffeine and Kilos. Dean what do we got going here?
Dean: This is called a cold brew maker, but what kind?
Speaker 1: It's a drip. So this is a drip cold brew maker. So, how this works, the water's up here, cold water. You can put ice in there or not, your preference. Then it's got a little valve here. You set that up to drip and I believe they say they want it between 25 and 32 drips per minute?
Dean: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Speaker 1: So a little less than once a second. It's supposed to be shut off now but you see there's a slight drip going on. Let me see if I can shut it down more. So, that drips onto the paper filter. We got very finely ground coffee here.
Dean: Basically, flour fine.
Speaker 1: Flour fine.
Dean: It's as fine as you can possibly get it in the grinder that we have.
Speaker 1: Yeah, it's a hand grinder. We put it on the tightest grind possible, ran it through, it's a very fine powder and there's a, what kind of filter's on bottom?
Dean: Ceramic.
Speaker 1: Ceramic filter on bottom. Drips down through there, through the old [inaudible 00:01:07] ...
Dean: The old ...
Speaker 1: Spiral izer.
Dean: The old spiral izer. The glass spiral.
Speaker 1: Spiral, and then down into the waiting pot, which is anxiously awaiting some nice ...
Dean: This is about, what, a three hour brew time?
Speaker 1: Three hour brew time. So we gotta get this thing going.
Dean: Yeah, okay let's get that set up.
Speaker 1: Alright!
Dean: I'll get a timer on ...
Speaker 1: Get a timer out. Let me guess first. I'm gonna try and see if I can get it.
Dean: I'll tell you when to start counting. I'm gonna do a 30 second sample, so try and get like 15 in 30 seconds.
Speaker 1: Sure.
Dean: Okay, ready?
Speaker 1: Hold on, I think it needs the lining kick it up a little notch. Okay.
Dean: Ready, set, start.
Speaker 1: Probably 15 seconds will be good.
Dean: Okay, that was 15 seconds.
Speaker 1: We got 12 in 15 seconds! That's a little quick.
Dean: It's a little quick.
Speaker 1: So we'll back it off just a hair and we'll call it there. Here we go, and then ...
Dean: That seems about right.
Speaker 1: That's about right. So there we go. This is gonna continue to drip at that pace for the next three hours. So in the meantime ...
Dean: Well, with this thing too, this is more of a, I would consider this more of a novelty piece for sure than an actual convenient way of making cold brew ...
Speaker 1: Right.
Dean: ... because you can whip up a batch of cold brew in 30 seconds flat and put it in the fridge for over night before you go to bed in a mason jar and it'll taste just as good. Just pour it over a strainer or you just put it in a bag that's like a tea bag, reusable tea bag, and just wash it out, but I mean [crosstalk 00:03:01] this is more of a ...
Speaker 1: You could do it in a French press.
Dean: Yeah [crosstalk 00:03:04] ...
Speaker 1: Just put it in a French press, just don't plunge it, just leave the plunger up. Put it in the refrigerator over night, in the morning plunge it and you got cold brew.
Dean: Yeah. Many, many easier ways but ...
Speaker 1: But this is fun.
Dean: ... but this is fun and it looks cool. Would be something cool to have like in a shop or in a house that has an enormous kitchen.
Speaker 1: We went to breakfast in a place in San Diego and they had one of these, a larger version of this, on the wall and their homemade cold brew they actually brewed with this method, but it was also super hipster type thing. I think it was for looks as much as purpose [crosstalk 00:03:37].
Dean: Yeah because what you're only serving one or two people a batch and then it's gone.
Speaker 1: Well they had a bigger one, but even twice this size it's not a very ...
Dean: Yeah.
Speaker 1: ... good way to go.
Dean: No.
Speaker 1: Not very convenient.
Dean: Nothing like the five gallons that we make here at a time.
Speaker 1: No, exactly, yeah.
Dean: Did you talk about the paper on there to disperse the water?
Speaker 1: Yeah so, it's a little paper filter and the reason it's on top, why's a filter on top is that way when it drips down it doesn't just burrow a hole in the middle of the grounds. It hits that paper so kinda spread out so I think that helps all the grounds get saturated more.
Dean: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Speaker 1: That's our assumption, I mean, anyway.
Dean: It's a completely [crosstalk 00:04:13] plausible ...
Speaker 1: Absolutely, yeah. So there we go ...
Dean: And we did put cooler water in here, like he was saying earlier, you can use ice but we did water out of the water machine on cold. So it is a cold water. It's not like room temperature.
Speaker 1: Correct.
Dean: I'm sure room temperature would be fine if you just want to put this in the fridge afterwards to cool it down.
Speaker 1: Yeah, absolutely. [crosstalk 00:04:34].
Dean: Not necessarily effect anything, the extraction.
Speaker 1: Right because it's such a low temperature anyway.
Dean: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Yeah, absolutely. Well there it is, so we'll be back.
Dean: Three hours.
Speaker 1: Alright here we go! Couple hours later.
Dean: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Now we're gonna check it out. So far this went well. It start off, that thing was thick when it first started coming down there. It did thin out a little bit towards the end and I think we're ready.
Dean: Yeah, I think the drip count did get escalated a little bit.
Speaker 1: Sped it up a bit.
Dean: Just a tad.
Speaker 1: To finish it off.
Dean: Yeah to get it going.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Dean: But I honestly think it honestly needed it.
Speaker 1: If the grounds are saturated, the grounds are saturated.
Dean: It needed it bad.
Speaker 1: I guess.
Dean: It looked like syrup.
Speaker 1: And maybe we can look this up, but if somebody knows what the whole point of the spiral izer is comment, comment below us ...
Dean: It's to get the full extraction process complete.
Speaker 1: I'm not sure that's right, but it looks cool.
Dean: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Alright so here we go, pour it up!
Dean: It gives you more time to collect, you know, spread out nice and thin. Get a nice ... it's a timing thing.
Speaker 1: It's a timing thing. There it is. Makes it a little smoother.
Dean: Factoid nation.
Speaker 1: Factoid nation coming at you.
Alright, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna use the lid here actually to catch the drippings ...
Dean: Yeah, that's what we tried last two times, huh?
Speaker 1: Did we?
Dean: Failed attempts.
Speaker 1: Alright, that is ...
Dean: I love this little, very Fortnite-esque potion, healing potion [crosstalk 00:06:19].
Speaker 1: You're really ripping it huh?
Dean: I haven't had any coffee today yet. I've been waiting and holding out.
Speaker 1: Top me off then. Thank you. Alright.
Dean: There's enough there for someone else, maybe Aaron if he's lucky.
Speaker 1: There we go. Alright, well ...
Dean: Cheers.
Speaker 1: Give it a rip.
Dean: These are great mugs by the way.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Dean: Can't wait until these come out.
Speaker 1: Yeah.
Dean: There's supposed to be a lid but we took them off.
Speaker 1: Double wall ...
Dean: If these look familiar in quality and it's equal to the ones you're thinking about.
Speaker 1: Yeah, vacuum insulated.
Oh that's good! That's really [crosstalk 00:06:59] ...
Dean: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Is this a concentrate?
Dean: It's a ...
Speaker 1: I think it makes a concentrate, yeah?
Dean: Okay, so we did cheat and tested it a little bit the other day.
Speaker 1: I did not.
Dean: You did not. Me, Dante, and Aaron did and that's also why we sped up the drip because it was fucking so strong and so thick it was undrinkable.
Speaker 1: [inaudible 00:07:23] so do you think that was the amount of grounds? But when you sped up the drip it thinned it out.
Dean: At this point it had been dripping ...
Speaker 1: For three hours?
Dean: Yeah, it was super thick. It wasn't enjoyable for sure.
Speaker 1: You had to water it down?
Dean: We would have had to water it down anyways. So, basically we sped this up a little bit, not much, but just enough to where it kept the flavor integrity, but didn't dilute it too much at all. This is still really a strong.
Speaker 1: This is really good. So, I think it's definitely stays true to cold brew as far as it's very smooth. Like that's when you cold brew compared to hot brew it always makes it a little smoother.
Dean: We've never cold brewed our collab with Black Rifle.
Speaker 1: We never have cold brewed that before.
Dean: I'm gonna have to tell you it's fucking good.
Speaker 1: It's so good.
Dean: I mean, I've had it hot, but we haven't had it cold. I think it's better cold always.
Speaker 1: Alright, so [inaudible 00:08:19] here speed, convenience, taste. Our rating system on this?
Dean: Efficiency.
Speaker 1: Efficiency. Well efficiency, I mean, it does make a pot of cold brew in a couple hours compared to over night.
Dean: Process.
Speaker 1: Process, oh process is a fucking 10 from a fun point, right? It looks like a science experiment. It looks cool, like this might be, I don't know, when you get to like these guys like the siphon brewers. They look pretty cool but this one, there's a whole ... I mean, it's a four story thing here.
Dean: Yeah. That's true. I mean as far though as [crosstalk 00:09:01] ...
Speaker 1: And flavor [crosstalk 00:09:02] ...
Dean: How long did it take you to make these grounds? A half hour?
Speaker 1: I used a hand grinder.
Dean: But with what we used.
Speaker 1: Right, so for sure, it definitely, it's not the quickest way to make cold brew. Well, it's the quickest duration but as far as effort involved it's probably the most consuming way to make cold brew.
Dean: I always had a question about when we make our cold brew here, when we soak it in the fridge ...
Speaker 1: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Dean: ... or room temperature, whatever you choose to do, but we usually do it in the fridge. I wonder how it would taste after three, four hours of soaking instead of waiting the full 12.
Speaker 1: Not concentrated as much.
Dean: I mean, I'm sure it would still be pretty good though.
Speaker 1: It would be good, just wouldn't be as ...
Dean: [inaudible 00:09:43] taste next time.
Speaker 1: ... wouldn't be as thick. You could, it's like barrel tasting with wine, right? Like you taste it. It goes in the barrel, you try it after a month and after another month up until the 18 months or however long the age of the barrel.
Dean: I feel like this is gonna light my ass up.
Speaker 1: I am so excited.
Dean: Yeah.
Speaker 1: I'm probably gonna finish this off, go do some squats and then probably I'll yell at somebody.
Dean: Yeah. Probably go yell at somebody.
Speaker 1: Probably yell at somebody over nothing over nothing.
Dean: That was good. This was very good ...
Speaker 1: Gonna start an argument.
Dean: ... so, we finally, we can reveal our secrets here now. I think this is our third attempt.
Speaker 1: So three tries. Normally with every other brew method it's always been first try. It doesn't always turn out perfect first try, but it's always drinkable, good enough.
Dean: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Speaker 1: This one actually did take three tries.
Dean: Took three tries, but yeah we had to figure out the proper corse ground.
Speaker 1: Yeah and then the amount also.
Dean: Yeah, I mean filling it up all the way. We kinda didn't fill it up all the way the first time we tried it for some reason. I don't know why, but we also had a lot coarser grinds. We went with an extremely fine grind like we had mentioned before and that was definitely what it needed.
Speaker 1: So basically, [crosstalk 00:10:48] ...
Dean: If you're picking one of these up, yeah ...
Speaker 1: So, if you want to spend $175 or it might have been 250 ... if you want to spend a couple hundred bucks on something that looks really cool and is great, again, it's like a conversation piece.
Dean: Oh there's no way in hell this is worth $250. I mean that's probably what we paid for it, but it's not worth that.
Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah. Well if you got the money and you're looking for a conversation piece ...
Dean: Yeah.
Speaker 1: ... in your kitchen it's a good way to go. You know, that's pretty much the end of it. If you're looking for a way to make cold brew because you like cold brew best it's probably not the way to go, because like we said earlier you could just literally fill a French press with the grounds and the coffee and then leave it on your counter over night. And in the morning plunge that shit and you got cold brew coffee.
That's way more convenient, doesn't take up the room. You don't have to get an especially fine grind for the coffee so as far as that goes it's really inconvenient for making the cold brew, but it looks cool as shit.
Dean: Yeah, well no, if you have ... it's a nice Sunday brunch. You got Pam and Dan over at the house ...
Speaker 1: Start this thing percolating before they show up.
Dean: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Whole they're here it works its way through.
Dean: You come out in the backyard, everybody's having eggs benedict. You pour them a nice little cold brew out of the ... it's for that kinda thing.
Speaker 1: It is! It's a Sunday brunch thing. I'm gonna actually have to ...
Dean: Spring!
Speaker 1: I'm gonna have some people over Sunday brunch I'm gonna borrow it.
Dean: Yeah.
Speaker 1: Take it over to the house.
Dean: You should.
Speaker 1: Well thanks for tuning in to this episode of ...
Dean: This is how we brew it.
Speaker 1: This is how we brew it. Alright guys, leave some comments below and we'll see you later!