Invitational Sponsors and Vendors

We will be hosting competitors from all over California, hundreds of spectators and volunteers. The 2023 Invitational will be a 3 part event - TEAM FITNESS COMPETITION, WEIGHTLIFTING AND STRONGMAN.

2023 Invitational Vendor Deck by Kristen Williams


Since 2013, the Caffeine and Kilos Invitational has attracted over 300 athletes and over 800 spectators each year. Our sponsors and vendors are very important to us and our goal is to put them in the best position to succeed. We view our vendors as our “partners” and do all we can to make sure their day at the Invitational is worth their time and investment. We encourage our vendors to offer coupons and incentives in every gift bag we give out to our competitors to incentivize them to come visit your tent.


  • $50 for 10’ x 10’
  • $150 for 10’ x 20’
  • Additional Options - Banner displayed at the event: 5x3 ft $100, 3x2 ft $50. Logo on the flyer $25. Marketing material, promotional material for Team/Athlete bags (free)
  • Vendor Booths will also benefit from the following: recognition on website, recognition on social media (exposed to millions of C&K followers)
  • Follow this link to reserve your booth today! PURCHASE VENDOR SPACE 


  • Looking for sponsorship opportunities? Email us at