April Coffee of the Month: Fruity Kilos

April Coffee of the Month: Fruity Kilos

Spring fever has officially arrived in California! And while we’re out here living our best life in the 70 degree sun, we wanted a coffee for the occasion. This month's blend is bursting with light, fruity flavors and all the spring you need to crush your workouts this season.


We present to you: Fruity Kilos. 

For those who are familiar with our favorite coffee connoisseur Roaster Dave, you’ll appreciate that he has one thing to say: “This is just a really great blend.”

With 4 different coffees in this blend, it has everything you want in a coffee in April. 

The beans:

  1. Indian Cherry Robusta from Wayanad Social Service Society collective in the Western Ghats Mountains of India: This is a common thread through our blends for its superior caffeine content. It’s the tastiest one we can find, so we’re constantly blending it with different Arabicas to give you the quality coffee you expect from us.
  2. Brazillian Arabica from the Coffee Dutra Family out of Minas Gerias in Brazil: Brazillian beans tend to be milder than others, but this one is packed with fruity flavor! This comes from being pulp-naturally honey-processed and dried in the sun on raised tables. The pulp is left on (to be removed later) to give it all the fruity, nutty flavor the bean has to offer. 
  3. Costa Rican Arabica from the Hacienda La Amistad in Costa Rica: Our tried-and-true Costa Rican Arabica that you’ll find in a few other blends we make. This bean adds the more nutty, apple-y, caramel-y flavors you’ll notice and we just can’t get enough of it.
  4. Honduran Arabica from Cafe Scor, a tiny coffee collective in Honduras: Honduras is known mainly for full-bodied coffee, and they’ve been producing some incredible beans lately that we needed to share. We chose this one specifically to balance the mildness of the Brazil bean and give you a full-bodied, fruity blend that’s perfect for Spring!

And one of the best parts about all these beans? They’re all organic! (Just like ALL of our beans.) And locally-sourced from small collectives that help the farms produce the highest quality coffee in the most ethical, eco-friendly ways possible. So by buying our coffee, you’re helping support these farms and the local families who work hard to provide them. 

To purchase your Coffee of the Month subscription and enjoy a cup of Fruity Kilos this month, click here.