C&K Dairy Free Orange Cream Cold Brew
Get ready to sip and savor the BEST cold brew ever (seriously). This bev is refreshing, low cal, high protein and the perfect summer treat. Enjoy the delicious combination of coffee, cream and orange with none of the dietary pitfalls.
MACROS: 70 calories | 6g carbs, 1g fats, 10g protein
📍 1 scoop Clearly Collagen
📍 12oz brewed C&K coffee (we used the June Coffee of the Month: Orange Cream)
📍 1/3 cup milk of choice (we used almond milk)
📍 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
📍 Peel of 1 orange
STEP 1: Brew your cold brew with the orange peel submerged for at least 4 hours. When done brewing, make sure you squeeze the orange peel as you remove.
STEP 2: Fill half your glass with cold brew and add all other ingredients. Blend with your hand frother. Pour in remaining cold brew, and you're done! If you don't have a hand frother, just add all your ingredients to a blender and give it a quick blend.

If you give this a try, be sure to tag @CaffeineandKilos on IG and let us know how you like it! This is as good as orange-meets-coffee gets.