C&K Healthy Chocolate Coffee Pudding

C&K Healthy Chocolate Coffee Pudding


This is it. This is the answer you've been waiting for. A low calorie dessert that has all of the decadence and creamy texture of the fattiest, dairiest chocolate pudding there is--with none of the fat or dairy. Gluten free, sugar free, keto friendly... Here's the scoop.

MACROS per serving: 95 calories | 12g carbs, 4g fats, 6g protein
*Note: Macrosย DO NOT include chocolate chips for easy scaling.

INGREDIENTS (3 servings)

๐Ÿ“ 1 scoop Clearly Collagen
๐Ÿ“ 1 scoop Vanilla Clearly Caffeine
๐Ÿ“ 2 shots C&K Coffee of choice (we used Coffee of the Month)
๐Ÿ“ 2 cups nut milk of choice (we used unsweetened almond)
๐Ÿ“ 1/2 cups nut milk of choice
๐Ÿ“ 3 tbsp corn starch (or arrowroot powder)
๐Ÿ“ Sweetener of choice to taste (we used stevia powder, or you can use 1/3 cup maple syrup or honey)
๐Ÿ“ 3.5 oz chocolate of choice in pieces (we used Lily's dark chocolate chips)
๐Ÿ“ 3/4 tsp vanilla extract
๐Ÿ“ healthy pinch of salt

STEP 1: Heat your coffee and 2 cups of milk in a sauce pan together with your cocoa powder, collagen, clearly caffeine, salt and sweetener.

STEP 2: While that's heating, whisk together your corn starch and remaining 1/2 cup of milk. Add to the saucepan once its contents are hot.

STEP 3: Bring it to a boil and stir constantly for 2 minutes. It will thicken. Let it simmer for one more minute and then turn off the heat.

STEP 4: Once the heat is off, add in your vanilla extract and chocolate pieces until they're all melted and mixed in.

STEP 5: Transfer it to the fridge to cool! The longer it cools, the thicker it will be. Plan for a few hours or overnight.


And that's it! Go have a big ol' bowl of the best pudding ever. If you give this a try, be sure to tag @CaffeineandKilos on IG and let us know how you like it! Happy desserting.