C&K Murph Prep 6-Week Training Program
6 Weeks to Build Murph Volume:
What else would you expect? The workout has a name, so you know it’s memorable.
And not just any name. Murph is named in honor of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in action in Afghanistan on June 28th, 2005. His heroic story is portrayed in the movie Lone Survivor.
Every year on Memorial Day, CrossFit gyms across the world host this workout in his name. And it’s a beast!
See how fast you can complete a 1 mile run, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, and then finish with another 1 mile run before calling out “Time!” Oh yeah, and wear a 20-lb weighted vest if you have one.
The volume is soul crushing.
Before we go any further, I have a confession:
In my 13 years of training the CrossFit methodology, I have never completed Murph wearing a vest.
Do you know why?
Because it’s hard without one! I’ve strategically never bought a weighted vest just so I have an excuse not to wear one during “Murph.”
This year things will be different. They will be bouncier, more constricting, and 20 lbs heavier. A vest will be joining me for the workout.
As a vest greenhorn, it’s critical that you build up to Murph-level volume if you want to keep the business end of your ligaments securely attached.
Enter the volume accumulation cycle. 6 Weeks To Build Murph Volume.
This program is perfect for anyone who wants to:
- Get a PR on Murph.
- Perform Murph as Rx for the first time.
- Wear a vest during Murph for the first time.
- Relax and cheer on your gym partner after you’ve already finished Murph 10 minutes prior.
Complete each week’s workout 1 time, preferably on Sunday.
Wear a weighted vest if you plan to wear one during Murph. In addition to the weekly program below, run one untimed mile each week on any day (w/vest).
Complete the week 6 workout on the penultimate Sunday of May (8 days before Memorial Day).