Do You Hit The "Snooze" Button? | GSC. Episode 24

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On this episode of Gas Station Cappuccino, Dean and Danny talk about hitting the "snooze" button and Instagram influencers..

FEATURING: Danny Lehr, Dean Saddoris
- Instagram: @danny_lehr,

FOLLOW: Caffeine and Kilos
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- Snapchat: caffeinekilos

Do You Hit The


Danny Lehr:

Welcome to Gas Station Cappuccino, but Caffeine and Kilos. I'm Danny Lehr. Next to me is Dean [Sodoris 00:00:09]. Here we go. And, this is episode ... it's like the 24th, 25th one we've done.


Dean Saddoris:

Somewhere in there.


Danny Lehr:

So, that's pretty [crosstalk 00:00:20].


Dean Saddoris:

We're getting kinda caught up.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. I think we're only a week or two behind.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. So, it's pretty much in real time.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. As you are hearing this, we are saying it.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. It's a live show now.


Danny Lehr:

Live show now for whoever's in the room.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. Well, Aaron sees it live.


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

I wonder if it's better live. Maybe we should do live on the app. Is there any way we can get live stream connected to our app and then people can watch us live through the app.


Danny Lehr:

We could do live through Instagram or Facebook.


Dean Saddoris:

But then, if they're on the app, then they'll be on the app.


Danny Lehr:

Then, they're on the app. Yeah. That's true. Yeah. I don't know.


Dean Saddoris:

It'd be another perk.


Danny Lehr:

The whole live video ...


Dean Saddoris:

It's only through the app, you can only get access.


Danny Lehr:

I'm not sure about the whole live video. Like, I get the live video thing. Here's my thing. Any time I get announcements someone's going live, I never tune in. At no point in my day, in my life, oh yeah. I got time to just see whatever the hell this person's talking about.



That's just not part of my routine.


Dean Saddoris:

That's true. That's true.


Danny Lehr:

You know, it's like so and so's live. I'm like, oh, I'd like to watch that, but I'm doing stuff.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. I guess maybe you're at work and you have headphones in or something, and you're doing something manual labor. Maybe, you can like [inaudible 00:01:34]. When is there appropriate time in the middle of the day to watch someone's live video?


Danny Lehr:

There isn't.


Dean Saddoris:

Or, if it's your day off.


Danny Lehr:

Day off?


Dean Saddoris:

It's like a Saturday. You're sitting on the couch ...


Danny Lehr:

Just kinda springs it on ya. Boom. So and so is live.


Dean Saddoris:

But, then again probably will won't watch it.


Danny Lehr:

That's what I'm saying. That's exactly what I'm saying.


Dean Saddoris:

I might go back and see that there was a live video later on, or if I'm going through the story, I might see what was happening.


Danny Lehr:

People tune in, though.


Dean Saddoris:

That's true. But, there's never a huge ... You could look at somebody's live audience and look how many followers they have.


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

Very small percentage for everybody.


Danny Lehr:

Very small percentage. That's true.


Dean Saddoris:

And, nobody's getting like 80% follower or 50% even remotely close to that of like viewing their live video.


Danny Lehr:

I think the way you do it, is almost like you plan it. Like, a) 5:00 p.m. PST, we're going live.


Dean Saddoris:

We're going live. Interview with this person. Ask us questions live ... And, that's a whole other thing.


Danny Lehr:

We're going live at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Standard noon. We're going live with so and so. Post your questions below, and we'll answer them live on air.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. That'll usually get a bigger audience, but still, you know, oh, it's 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday ... Or, a.m. Wednesday, like I'm not watching anybody's live videos.


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

If I am, I got other bigger problems.


Danny Lehr:

No one's going live, but I was on Instagram and the [inaudible 00:03:06] comment, are commenting on people's pictures and videos of weightlifting.


Dean Saddoris:

I do that. Sometimes I like to do that. I just go and I search the weightlifting tab, or Olympic weightlifting in the search, in the Explore tab. And, I just go through and watch people's lifts. And, just troll the shit out of them.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. Oh, nice one, dirt bag.


Dean Saddoris:

Sick lift, bro. Keep it up. Don't quit your day job.


Danny Lehr:

Not bad for a trifle [inaudible 00:03:31].


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

You know, that type of thing.


Dean Saddoris:

I really hope you're not training full time.


Danny Lehr:

Oh, I remember my first time lifting weights.


Dean Saddoris:

Oh. No, but more you're writing positive stuff [crosstalk 00:03:44].


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. Like, I'll watch it and if they move really fast, I'm just like, "Nice. Great speed." Just little things like that. You know? Or, if it's just whatever, I don't say anything. You know? But, if it's something that kinda impressed me or looks good, or something about it that kinda stands out ...


Dean Saddoris:

You're not patronizing these people.


Danny Lehr:

No. I like to let them know.


Dean Saddoris:

If it's legit, you know.


Danny Lehr:

No. It's legit. Here's another thing too, is of course you watch it. You know what I mean? Like, I watched the whole thing. I'm not just like going through ... I'm not spamming people. I'm just like checking it out.



Anyway, so doing that, and in the Explore feed, this one girl comes up and the way that the video's ... There's like a ton of likes on it. Like, a bunch of likes. And, I had never heard of this person, right?



And, I'm like, man, that's kind of a lot, because most of the time, your average person, it's like 30 lives, shit like that, right? But, it was like a couple hundred. And, I'm like, who is this person? There's a dozen comments, a couple hundred likes. Not a ton, but for a post that's less than an hour old, and if I'm just going through random people, I was like, oh.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Danny Lehr:

So, I click on profile, see who it is, maybe if I know them, or if I've seen them somewhere. Like, know them from weightlifting or something. And, it's just this girl, no idea who she is. Okay. And, she's pretty good-looking. Like, nice looking girl, weightlifter, into cross lifting, but also general fitness stuff too.



Like, it shows her doing some other general fitness type ... You know, it's like a [inaudible 00:05:06] like her classic [inaudible 00:05:06], right? Like, maybe they do like bikini shows, whatever, but then they also do like dead lifts or little cross bit and stuff like that.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. Power building.


Danny Lehr:

Like power building.


Dean Saddoris:

Power builders.


Danny Lehr:

Exactly. Right. And, I'm like, oh. But then, I looked and she has like 4000 followers. And, whatever. It's not that it's all about having followers, but the point was ... I'm like, man, this girl, she only had 4000 followers and it just seems like the type of person who would have more.


Dean Saddoris:

Someone that people would want to ... be motivated by.


Danny Lehr:

Motivated by, or you know how it is honestly, like these girls with Instagram. A lot of their followers are just probably dudes just creeping on them.


Dean Saddoris:

Some pervy dudes.


Danny Lehr:

Just pervy dudes, whatever. But, so I'm sitting here. I'm like, man. So, maybe it's like a brand new profile. So, now I'm interested in this whole thing. Now I caught ... do you ever do that, where you like look at [inaudible 00:05:56] like sidetracked by something.


Dean Saddoris:

And now you're caught up in like, what's ...


Danny Lehr:

Like, what's going on?


Dean Saddoris:

What's going on here? Right?


Danny Lehr:

Because it seemed out of the ordinary. It's like you're doing something and something kinda seems odd, or not in with what you would normally think. Like, outside your normal perceptions, what you'd assume. And so, I'm like, what's up? Maybe it's a brand new profile. So, I start scrolling to find the bottom thinking like okay, maybe she just created it, you know? Like, a year ago or a couple months ago.


Dean Saddoris:

So, like it's pretty quality content.


Danny Lehr:

Like, dude. There are like nine pictures. Like serious. They're like professional photos. A lot of them. It's either professional photos or videos of her working out, but they're like legit. She's like training. It's not like weird thing, you know.



So, I'm like alright. Professional ... She's obviously like you know?


Dean Saddoris:

She has a striking resemblance to like a page that has a hundred thousand followers.


Danny Lehr:

Honestly, if you'd have just showed me the page that how many followers, I would have said, oh probably like between 73,000 and 185.


Dean Saddoris:

Mm-hmm (affirmative). Specific.


Danny Lehr:

Well, you know what I mean though. You know. Like, I don't think she has 300K. Like, I'd be shocked if she had over 300.


Dean Saddoris:

300. If she was on OG YouTuber, she would have 300.


Danny Lehr:

If she was an OG YouTuber, she'd for sure have 300. You know?


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. One of those.


Danny Lehr:

One of those. And so, I'm like, probably in the 100s, like the high 100s [crosstalk 00:07:15].


Dean Saddoris:

She probably has a YouTube channel.


Danny Lehr:

Probably. Yeah. With seven subscribers. Anyway, I'm like, huh. So, I'm scrolling. It's like no, I've been around a while. And then, the thing is, it kinda dawned on me, that the thing is, the reason why she only has 4000 followers, even though she has, again, mimics the page. It's so much more.



And, it's just so watered down.


Dean Saddoris:

There's just so many others like her.


Danny Lehr:

So many others like her. And, I don't know this girl ...


Dean Saddoris:

And, she doesn't really have anything that she's offering, like a niche that's different.


Danny Lehr:

Exactly. That's exactly my point. My point is this. If you want to just follow some female, and males as well. This particular person was a female. That's why that stands out to me. Okay.



So, if you're just on Instagram, whatever, and you're just scrolling through the Explore feed, you can find a dozen other girls that almost have the exact same profile. You know? Like, there's not ... Nothing really stood out about it. You know?



But, I'm like, okay, yeah. Nice looking girl. Works out, all that. But, that doesn't do it any more. Think about four year ago.


Dean Saddoris:

Now, it's like you have to push the boundaries or do something extreme.


Danny Lehr:

Or, something unique. Like, there's this one girl I follow out of Canada actually, because she talks a lot of nutrition stuff, or a lot of exercise. She's really interesting, because she actually believes in spot reducing fat, like doing different things like that. But, she has all the science to back it up. So, it's interesting, because it's not just her working out and stuff ...


Dean Saddoris:

Wait, so you're saying, loose fat in specific areas of your body?


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

She claims that that's like totally legit, and all this.


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

That's a whole ... we don't even need [inaudible 00:09:06].


Dean Saddoris:

I know and now I'm like steaming.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. It's like yeah. I know. But oh, the point is, it's interesting, because it's not just like just random photos and stuff. There's actually like, hey, here's an opinion on something.


Dean Saddoris:

That's fine.


Danny Lehr:

You know? And, so it's actually more interesting. So, my point is that's what you need. You need to have something that's different, like either 1) informational, even if you're saying something crazy or not, just something that draws people to different things.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. Even if it's a complete fabrication of reality. Like, spot fat losing.


Danny Lehr:

Hey, I'm not saying I'm a believer, but I'm saying this should have a whole thing stating science and research and all that ...


Dean Saddoris:

Hey, you know what though? If it is getting people into the gym and eating better, then I can't hate on it.


Danny Lehr:

And, it's not like she's saying, "Take this pill." She's saying, "Work out, just work out these different ways and you might have these different results than what you've been previously taught."


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. And, everybody's different. Could work for somebody.


Danny Lehr:

Who knows. Anyway ... Or, maybe it's all completely wrong. The point is, she's like, hey ...


Dean Saddoris:

She's offering something that's different from everybody else.


Danny Lehr:

Hey, here's an opinion and here's what I've researched fact. It's more than just, here's pictures. Right?


Dean Saddoris:

Here's naked picture.


Danny Lehr:

Hey, here's my ass. Here's a [inaudible 00:10:17] Another [inaudible 00:10:19].


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah, here's another one.


Danny Lehr:

Another one.


Dean Saddoris:

With a motivational depressing quote, that's just like, what? Who would write that? Oh, because you're posting a naked picture, so you had to justify it by writing something kind of dark and kind of motivational, but sad. You know what I mean?


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

Well, this was a dark post. Okay.


Danny Lehr:

So, anyway ... it just blew me away. Well, not blew me away, I guess just made me realize by just how watered down it's gotten. Three years ago, if that exact same profile, it'd probably have 100,000 followers.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. And that's it too. It's funny you said that, because I have the same kind of a ...


Danny Lehr:

Do you think it's more acceptable now maybe? Like, nowadays, girls ... And again, it's not that ... they're saying things to guys. I just keep saying girls because this specific individual is a girl.


Dean Saddoris:

No, no, for sure. Well, I'll even give you a counter example. There's these guys that I follow. They're a bunch of photographer friends that I communicate with through ... Like, in [inaudible 00:11:23] and stuff, that live in East Coast, or whatever. And, these kids are just like early 20s, just absolutely killing it, with super dope content. They're doing project and doing full time photography, but they got like 3000 followers, but these kids are absolutely beasts. Like, they're killing it. Same exact thing. There's just a lot of people doing that.


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

And, it's not necessarily holding them back from getting any work, but it shows you there's just a lot out there.


Danny Lehr:

Watered ... That's kind of watered down.


Dean Saddoris:

And, it's funny too, because then you've got this other thing where it's almost explained too, because you can just fallow pages that feature these people.


Danny Lehr:

Right. Get the best of ...


Dean Saddoris:

And, then you just get all of it, like all the bests are like someone else's opinion are the best of a collection of all these people's pictures. And, I think that might be a product of why they're not being followed specifically. And, there's also this weird thing too, where other kids are afraid to follow each other, because like, oh, I'm not going to follow his photo. I'll look and lurk on his page, but I'm not going to follow him and give him my ... the fucking credit.



I think some people do that. I don't, but I fucking write it all the time, dude, that is a great fucking picture. Nice work. I mean, shit like that.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. You know, I'm having a couple thoughts now. One, I wonder if it's something with the algorithms. Like, take these girls for example, right. So, she's taking this belfie, this butt selfie, thong time. Right?


Dean Saddoris:

Okay. What is the belfy, is that like from the front or from the back? Now it makes sense?


Danny Lehr:

It's from the back.


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

So, she's taken this picture of her whatever, you know, ass out. So, these dudes who were perv-ing on her, are like, dude, I'm gonna follow this girl. But, they don't like the picture, because they don't want someone to be able to go look up recent like by the friends. Like, they don't want their girlfriend to see their like and pictures.  [crosstalk 00:13:11].


Dean Saddoris:

Only the girl with the thong. [inaudible 00:13:11] at all.


Danny Lehr:

Well, check this out. Or, maybe there's ... yeah.


Dean Saddoris:

Maybe just look him up whenever they want to perv out.


Danny Lehr:

Well, that's it. That's it. They look them up or they follow them, but then, because they don't like any of the pictures, they're posts don't get the play, because the algorithms. But, if you don't get comments and likes right away, the picture never makes ... doesn't go big. It'll never be on the Explore feed. It's not gonna be found by as many people, type thing.



So, that might be stunting growth and the photography, like you said, same thing. They're just choosing not to follow it so they can see it in the curated accounts. You know? There's that.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. The content accounts and read content. Yeah. I don't know what else to call it. Some of them kind of turn into a more businessy side. They'll sell stuff too, but most of them, it's just re-sharing content.


Danny Lehr:

And, the other thing too is ...


Dean Saddoris:

And then, advertising.


Danny Lehr:

With the photography pictures, they might like it, but what are you going to comment on that?


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

You know? Like, there's not as common people will comment on that, it's more of just they like the picture. So then, a lack of comments might hurt the kind of distribution of that as well.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. And a lack of comments will definitely hurt. Like, the Explore page. Like, [crosstalk 00:14:19] up there for sure.


Danny Lehr:

Would, so then, hurt the growth of the page.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. It's true.


Danny Lehr:

And then, the other thing is the girl side of things, is also I think it's an acceptable thing. Like, three or four years ago, even just three or four years ago, like Tammy from Lodi, California, who is 18, 19 years old, she may not be posting those pictures on Instagram or post them out like as whatever, you know? As risky, as risque. Because you know, what a small town thing going on, whatever, right?



Like, my mom might see that. My cousin might. Now, it's just so prevalent that it's just like more people are just, all right, I'm going, I'm doing it. Like, it's a real thing now. Like, it's a thing to be an Instagram influencer. So, like now I'm going to be an influencer.


Dean Saddoris:

Mm-hmm (affirmative). This goes for guys and girls.


Danny Lehr:

Guys and girls. So, people are just posting whatever they wanna post to be an influencer, like chasing the like. They're chasing likes and follows, not posting what they're really all about. People see straight through that shit.


Dean Saddoris:

Well, here's the thing. It's funny because, yeah, I think it's kind of what you already are saying, but it's funny because only the original people are the ones being themselves.


Danny Lehr:

Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying.


Dean Saddoris:

Then, you've got all these other people trying to imitate the successful people. And, it's not organic. And then, people see right through that. And then, it comes off as this spin off bullshit of just someone else trying to get on someone else's wave.


Danny Lehr:

I'm starting a brand in the cross fit space and weightlifting and power lifting space. And so, how do I get more followers? Do I look at some companies that have a lot of followers? Take Caffeine and Kilos. And, I'm going to start trying to post pictures exactly like they post, even though I don't know anything about how they take those pictures. I don't know anything about the brand. I don't know anything about their situation or the market.



You're just trying to copy what other people are doing that have had success, but the thing is, it works for other people because it's genuine. It doesn't work for you, because you're a fake ass [inaudible 00:16:22].


Dean Saddoris:

Exactly. And, then you want to ... Yeah. Oh yeah. It's pretty [inaudible 00:16:27].


Danny Lehr:

You know? Case in point.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. Absolutely.


Danny Lehr:

All right. Next topic.


Dean Saddoris:

No, no, no. For sure, though. I think it's a common [inaudible 00:16:36] of all those things with why that is such a ... doesn't work any more. You know, as far as these male and female personalities on Instagram. It's like you have to actually be different. And, if you're just not different, you're just a boring ass mother fucker that doesn't want to do regular shit and you want to be an Instagram famous person, and if you got nothing to offer, see you later. Do something else.


Danny Lehr:

Here's my thing too, is some people are ... what'd you say? "Boring ass mother fuckerS." Sure, some people may be, but I think the most people are really interesting. They're just afraid to put that side of themselves out there.



You know what? They have these ideas and thoughts and they're seeing things and thinking things, they want to take a photo, but then they're like what if Johnny doesn't like it? Like, they don't know, like they're afraid to be themselves.


Dean Saddoris:

No, for sure.


Danny Lehr:

Fucking be yourself. And, if you're yourself and nobody likes it, well then, you got some introspection to do. Why am I such a fucking tool? You know?


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. I think it's also like a ...


Danny Lehr:

That last part, I didn't really mean that.


Dean Saddoris:

Oh, no. It's like a certain age group too. It's a very common ...


Danny Lehr:

You can actually be yourself, not try to be who you want others to think you are.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. No, for sure. And it's also an age group things. It's like, okay, this is a very common thing with a certain age group. You know what I mean? Like a younger age group. Like, kids born in 2000. You know what I mean? Or, below, barely below.



It had the same kind of traits of these fucking just fake bullshit, because they all look up to these fucking goobers like Logan Paul and shit. It's just like, this kid made it doing this crazy shit. Like, you can't just copy that and expect the same thing. That's just lazy and that's just not how it works.


Danny Lehr:

And, it's been going on forever, but the difference is now there's a platform to put themselves out there for everyone to see. What I mean, is like just when ...


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah, but nobody gives a shit.


Danny Lehr:

But, I'm saying like when Jackass was big, all these mother fuckers were out there jumping off roofs breaking their ankle filming it, thinking they're going to be the next Johnny Knoxville.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. That's true. That's the same exact thing.


Danny Lehr:

You know? Then, tattoos themselves thumbs up, like their fucking Steve O, but you're not. Your name's Tim. And, you're from Austin. You know?


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. You work at Ace Hardware.


Danny Lehr:

You work at Ace Hardware. You work at Kroger's. Can you just give me my new battery for my car? Please test the battery so I know if I need a new starter or not, Tim.


Dean Saddoris:

Jesus Christ.


Danny Lehr:

Hey, Tim, I need you to crawl off that roof. No, I know you're not trying to kill yourself. We need to test this starter.


Dean Saddoris:

I'm just happy we didn't have these [inaudible 00:19:30] shit when I was in high school.


Danny Lehr:

Play snake.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah, we would have been doing way stupider shit.


Danny Lehr:

Fuck snake up.


Dean Saddoris:

We would have done way dumber shit. There's a lot of shit that we did that it's a good thing it wasn't on camera, because we'd probably get in a lot of trouble.


Danny Lehr:

Not me. I'm a model citizen.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. Sure. Well, no it is what it is and it's always going to be a part of it.


Danny Lehr:

Still. Yeah. Moral of the story ...


Dean Saddoris:

Is don't do safe shit.


Danny Lehr:

Just be yourself.


Dean Saddoris:

Do your thing. Worry about your goals and your lane and just stay in it.


Danny Lehr:

You do you.


Dean Saddoris:

There's a lot of other things you can do.


Danny Lehr:

And, let me tell you something else about that.


Dean Saddoris:

Besides trying to be a personality on Instagram or YouTube.


Danny Lehr:

And, you know what? If that's what you want to do, fuck. Do it. But, be yourself when you're ... Do it because you want to do it and do what you like, not what you think you should be doing.



But, here's the other side of that too. I also am a strong belief that you decide who you are and who you're gonna be. All right. Meaning, there's a different between changing the way you do things and changing the way you act, because you want to be a better and different person. And, being a fake ass [inaudible 00:20:45], because you want people to like you.



If you know ... Okay, here's an example. I talked to this guy. He was late for something, and he's like, I'm so sorry. You know I get up early and just never go to bed on time and I'm just fucking tired, so I had to take a nap and I overslept or whatever.



And, I'm like, dude. Okay, I understand first of all. And then, we talked a little bit and then at the end, I'm like, all right. But, here's the thing, I also have got to be completely honest with you. You're sitting here telling me you know you need to go to bed earlier. So, why don't you fucking do it? Why don't you grow up? Be an adult. Go to bed time you go to bed.


Dean Saddoris:

Because he doesn't want to go to be earlier.


Danny Lehr:

Right. But ...


Dean Saddoris:

You can say you don't want to. But, if you wanted to, you would.


Danny Lehr:

He's gonna listen to this. I'm not calling him, but anyway, how the story ends, that's exactly it. So, it's kind of like, he's [inaudible 00:21:37]. He's like, dude, I totally understand. I totally know what you're saying. I agree. Blah, blah. All this shit, right?



But then, basically like but, but, but. All these fucking excuses. You know? So, then he leaves and I'm like, all right. Well, one, I'm glad that in the end, I didn't say, all right man, like at least how ... I'm glad I told him that he needs to just fucking grow up basically, because otherwise you're not helping people at all.



And then, but I was a little frustrated because his response that was like, yeah man. I know. But, but, but. All these fucking excuses. Well then, three days later, I seen his ad for all that Chenille after I talk. I know I didn't seem real receptive. I was thinking about it more. This, that and the other thing. And then, someone sent me this fucking thing. And, it was like the exact same thing you talked about. It's a sign. I've been going to bed earlier. I've been getting up ... you know, whatever. I'm way more rested. I feel better.



I'm like, thank you for all that. And, I was like, God, that makes me ... Because at the time, it was so fucking frustrating. I wasn't mad at him, but it's just like when you're trying to help someone and they're just like, "Yeah, no. I know you're right, but I'm going to choose to do something different."



It's like, all right. What do you do?


Dean Saddoris:

[crosstalk 00:22:38] tell you why.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. So, the point of all this is, he, this individual, knew that he wasn't ... Like, your actions determine who you are ultimately. Like, if you want to be a certain type of person, you have to act like that type of person, of you're not going to be them. Right?



So, it's like he knew I need to be more responsible and I need to grow up more and I need to be reliable. In order to do that, you need to fucking go to bed earlier so you're not sleeping through alarms and shit. Right?



So, he did that. Like, he made a choice to change his actions to be a different person.


Dean Saddoris:

I've never slept through an alarm.


Danny Lehr:

I don't understand it.


Dean Saddoris:

I don't even know how it's possible.


Danny Lehr:

I don't think it is.


Dean Saddoris:

I think you just turn it off and then say, "You know what? I don't fucking care." And then, you go back to sleep. I don't think anybody here like legit sleeps through an alarm.


Danny Lehr:

Well, you know what I believe might be true?


Dean Saddoris:

Or, if you're hard of hearing or you're completely deaf.


Danny Lehr:

Well, you know what I ...


Dean Saddoris:

Or, it's just not loud enough.


Danny Lehr:

I'll tell you what I have done before and I felt like the biggest piece of shit in the world afterward, is the alarm goes off, I roll over, grab my phone, see it's going off, turn off my alarm and go, fuck man, I'm tired. Right? I'm going to get up, but I just lay my head down just for one second, but like boom, next thing I know, I wake up. It's light outside. Like, mother fuck, what time is. I go for my phone. It's not on the night stand. It's on the ground. So, I woke up, turned off my alarm, and then waited a second before getting up and fell back asleep.


Dean Saddoris:

Oh, yeah. That's common. I can understand that. But, that's not the same thing.


Danny Lehr:

But, I think a lot of times that's what people think. Like, if people made me do that subconsciously, like you're not all the way awake. Or, it's like old, so you just hit the ... Like, you're sleeping, it's like you're just like swinging for it. And, I'm like, you fuck. Find the snooze button, whatever, and never even open your eyes, type deal. They don't remember doing that. And, I go, fuck, I slept through my alarm.



It's like, no. You fucking turned it off. You were just like ... So, you know what I did after ... I did that one time, I felt like such a piece of shit. Now, I put my phone that has my alarm, on the other side of the room. The only thing ... Well, hey, I'm turning that off. Because, make a mistake one time, happens. But, if it happens again, then that's all my fault.


Dean Saddoris:

Then, it's a choice.


Danny Lehr:

Exactly. Fuck that. But, I put it across the room so I don't feel like just total dog ... So, I don't feel like a [inaudible 00:24:55].


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. What is it with the snooze button, though? Why isn't the snooze button just not there?


Danny Lehr:

You know, it should be called ...


Dean Saddoris:

The coward button.


Danny Lehr:

You took the word out of my mouth. I was going to say, it should be called the fucking coward button. It should be called the I-don't-give-a-fuck-about-life button. Because, you know what you're doing when you set the snooze button?


Dean Saddoris:

You're setting the day off on like, I'm going to fucking drag my ass today. [inaudible 00:25:23].


Danny Lehr:

Yes. You might say, "Oh no, dude. It's just the snooze button." Let me tell you something. The shit you do, like every decision you make, you're sending a message to yourself subconsciously, right? So, you wake up, hit the snooze button, go back to sleep. You just told yourself, everything I have to do today, this next 10 minutes is more important than any fucking thing else.



Like, everything else can wait. Nothing else a priority.


Dean Saddoris:

And, I have eight more minutes to sleep.


Danny Lehr:

Eight more minutes is more important than everything else in my life right now. And, also ... Oh, and it can wait. So then, something else comes up. You're like, oh, I'm not jumping at it, whatever. Like, putting more shit off.


Dean Saddoris:

Your life in the snooze button mind set.


Danny Lehr:

It's sweeping shit under the rug, is what it is. Oh, we got a stain here. Hold on. Let me move the ... Solved the problem.


Dean Saddoris:

Yep. I'll pick that up in eight minutes.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. Look, it's the I-don't-give-a-fuck guy. Look. You know?


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

It's like, oh, look at him. He's so cool, he doesn't give a fuck. I bet he hit the snooze this morning.


Dean Saddoris:

Kind of like what's his name? What's the ... Shia LaBeouf. He's the king of that look.


Danny Lehr:

Shia LaBeouf.


Dean Saddoris:

He owns that look.


Danny Lehr:

He owns that look. The I'm-trying-real-hard-not-to-give-a-fuck look.


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

Oh, you know, I just rolled out of my bed to put on my ...


Dean Saddoris:

No, it's called ... Actually, there's actually a name for that look.


Danny Lehr:

I'm putting on my 12-year-old Patagonia jacket.


Dean Saddoris:

That look is called [inaudible 00:26:46].


Danny Lehr:

Come again.


Dean Saddoris:

It's called [inaudible 00:26:49] fashions.


Danny Lehr:

Like, when you're hungry, like nom, nom, nom.


Dean Saddoris:

[inaudible 00:26:52] is like basically where dressed like Shia LaBeouf. And, Kanye West.


Danny Lehr:

If you go ... Yep. So, if you go on ... It's the holy jeans.


Dean Saddoris:

It's everything. It's everything.


Danny Lehr:

It's the ... I'm saying, like it's an exaggeration.


Dean Saddoris:

It's the jean jacket.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. With the jeans, you're wearing the Canadian tuxedo. They don't give a fuck.


Dean Saddoris:

Now, you're going jean jacket with fucking jogger sweats and some fucking high tube socks and some fucking sneakers.


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

Like, that's the I-don't-give-a-fuck-but-this-is-intentional look.


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

It's called [inaudible 00:27:31].


Danny Lehr:

It's called [inaudible 00:27:36].


Dean Saddoris:

[inaudible 00:27:37]. It's just like, hey man, I'm just fucking like killing it. I ain't got to worry about shit. I'm just going to throw this fucking jean jackets on, with these flats and these easy's and I'm fucking gonna grab and walk around with my MacBook.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. The most time I'm taking is putting this man bun up.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. That'd do it. I only think he has any hair.


Danny Lehr:

I don't know. I don't even know what it looks like.


Dean Saddoris:

Kanye West?


Danny Lehr:

No, I know what Kanye West looks like.


Dean Saddoris:

Well, that's what I was talking about.


Danny Lehr:

I followed that Kanye doing things, instagram page. That's his page Instagram.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. That is a funny page. I like Humans of New York. That's one of my favorite pages. It's called Humans of New York, LOL. I think is what it is.


Danny Lehr:

My favorite page is actually a [inaudible 00:28:20].


Dean Saddoris:

That's a good one too. [inaudible 00:28:25]. But, yeah. If you don't follow Humans of New York, you're missing out on some gold.


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

Oh, yeah. Fantastic.


Danny Lehr:

They have gold giveaways?


Dean Saddoris:

They should. It's great.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. Every time they post, they're giving it away.


Dean Saddoris:

It's great. It makes you want to live there and just experience these people in real time.


Danny Lehr:

Just ride BART more and see people pissed on the subway all the time.


Dean Saddoris:

No. This is way better than just that. They seem like true artists out there.


Danny Lehr:

Ever see someone piss on BART? Oh, you said you never ridden BART, huh?


Dean Saddoris:

I've never rode BART, no. I haven't.


Danny Lehr:

Bay Area Regional Transit.


Dean Saddoris:

It sounds like it's more of an inconvenience to ride it for me, than it would be not to.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. That's true, where you live.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. That's what I'm saying.


Danny Lehr:

Unless you are going in to the city for something, you could probably hop on somewhere and like, if you don't want to fuck with parking and that type of thing.


Dean Saddoris:

I just parked like ... drive an hour to ... What's it called?


Danny Lehr:

There's a pick up station like by Vallejo. Is that kind of on your way into town, or is that [crosstalk 00:29:20].


Dean Saddoris:

Well, Vallejo's like 45 minutes into the trip to the Bay Area.


Danny Lehr:

Right. So, you'd park there, and then you'd hop on there, because then you park at the station there, and you don't have to worry about parking in the city. So, you parked Vallejo, say you're going to a Giant's game, or something, right? Park in Vallejo and then you just take it in, and then you don't have to worry about fucking with downtown parking by the game.


Dean Saddoris:

Or, downtown traffic on the bridge.


Danny Lehr:

Or, downtown traffic on the bridge. Or, whatever.


Dean Saddoris:

I wonder how many times I've been to San Francisco in my life. I mean ...


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

No, it's gotta be hundreds.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah, probably.


Dean Saddoris:

I've been going there a long time. It's right in our back yard. It's kind of funny that ... I take advantage of it. I go a lot. But, like ... It's kind of cool. I would never, in a million years, want to live there.


Danny Lehr:

It's a great city.


Dean Saddoris:

It's fun. It's a fun place to be for a couple hours.


Danny Lehr:

To visit.


Dean Saddoris:

For a couple hours.


Danny Lehr:

I don't like the cold summers.


Dean Saddoris:

The weather sucks, yeah. The weather's like overall not good.


Danny Lehr:

Like, in the winter ...


Dean Saddoris:

There's like 10 good days.


Danny Lehr:

Actually, in the winter, the weather's not bad, because it never really gets that cold.


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

But, in the summer, it never gets that warm.


Dean Saddoris:

I feel like I've had two good beach days in the city.


Danny Lehr:

Oh, if you ever go to San Francisco, and the sun's out, you just soak it in.


Dean Saddoris:

Oh, yeah. Because, those are rare.


Danny Lehr:



Dean Saddoris:

Those are rare.


Danny Lehr:

Well, I think we're ...


Dean Saddoris:

Hey, visit California.


Danny Lehr:

Visit Sacramento.


Dean Saddoris:

Visit San Francisco. Yeah. Visit Sac, honestly, if you want to warm up before you go to SF, stop by Sacramento ...


Danny Lehr:

You know what I really want to do?


Dean Saddoris:

Enjoy a nice cup of coffee and a nice meal downtown, or midtown. And then ...


Danny Lehr:

Head out.


Dean Saddoris:

Head out.


Danny Lehr:

I really want to do a ... It's pretty easy actually. We could do this any time. We'll probably do this as a family vacation in like, say five or six years. It's like when ours is like six or seven, so she'll remember shit.



It's just Highway 1. Just start in Oregon and go South and just go on Highway 1, right along the coast. It goes along the coast most of the way down. And, there's all those little beach towns along the way, like when you're going ...


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

Yep, weekend down in Bodega Bay, before San Francisco, but up above ... North of that, there's all this stuff too, you know? And so, you could stop at all those, hit up that area and do the RV thing, and just drive like four hours a day.



See, people from smaller states, like if you're from the South, like four hours, take you all the way across the state. But, California, that's like 16 hours.


Dean Saddoris:

Top to bottom?


Danny Lehr:

Top to bottom.


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

But, you go like four hours a day, so you stay three or four nights, right?


Dean Saddoris:

Which is crazy to think about. You can do 16 hours. You can go through like fucking what? Fifteen states on the East Coast. It's like, you're the least.


Danny Lehr:

It's like, yeah. Conquer all of Europe.


Dean Saddoris:

A state an hour.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. Well, like driving through Alabama one time, straight through, didn't even have to stop for gas. You know? I mean, think about the even smaller states, you know?



Anyway, so yeah. Start up North, go down and just camp like three or four nights, like Bodega Bay one night. And then, you go down probably the next one would be like in Monterey. And then, down maybe Santa Barbara. And then, San Diego. There's your four nights. And, you made it the whole way down.



Three, four hours drive between each one. Beautiful coastline. See the seals. You know? The whole thing.


Dean Saddoris:

It is a fucking ... My buddy had a beach house, his parents had a beach house in Bodega Bay, so we went down there about every year for a good solid chunk of our high school years and early 20s.


Danny Lehr:

And, just ... oh, that's nice.


Dean Saddoris:

Oh, it was great.


Danny Lehr:

And, just listen to [inaudible 00:33:01] sign a beach house through you the whole time.


Dean Saddoris:

No, it was like [inaudible 00:33:04] and ...


Danny Lehr:

No, I'm talking about what I'm gonna do.


Dean Saddoris:

Oh, yeah. With the kids.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. With the kids. Let them know. [inaudible 00:33:10] Beach House. Is it three? The newest one three?


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

Beach House III. One of the best albums. It's so good.


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

It's so good. Yes.


Dean Saddoris:

Not Beach House III. I haven't listened to that. I've only listened to the first one, I think. I only ever listened to the second one.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah, it's the newest one that's out. I think it's ... I'm pretty sure it's III. It's really good.


Dean Saddoris:

And like, when I say, lets [inaudible 00:33:28] I like skim through the first three, four songs.


Danny Lehr:

You know, there isn't much features on it, but it's good. Like, it's ... you know. It's got everybody. Features on a couple tracks. Wayne's on a couple tracks. Farrell's on a track.


Dean Saddoris:

I'm getting withdrawal. I'm having future withdrawals. Like, I need a new album.


Danny Lehr:

Oh, yeah.


Dean Saddoris:

Where's he at with that? Like, that's how I get through the day, with the training.


Danny Lehr:

You're just gonna have to bang that new [inaudible 00:33:51].


Dean Saddoris:

Is it gonna be upbeat enough for training?


Danny Lehr:

Yeah. And, if you hit a slow song ... oh, yeah. If you go to the [gym-y 00:33:57] songs. Hit the last nine tracks, those gym-y songs go hard. I was kind of slow-playing that one, because I was working my way through the [inaudible 00:34:05], the dual ones, the [inaudible 00:34:06] ones. And then, I was like, I finally made it to the gym-y ones. And, it's good. It's way better than I expected.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. I'm gonna get on that. I'll do that first. What should I do first? Beach House III, or [crosstalk 00:34:18].


Danny Lehr:

Beach House III.


Dean Saddoris:



Danny Lehr:

But, maybe not Beach House III while training though.


Dean Saddoris:

Oh, no. I'm not going to put anything on during training. Whatever's on there when I get there, that's what I'm listening to.


Danny Lehr:

Pop in Beach House III when you're driving home.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. Okay. I'll do that. I'm on it.


Danny Lehr:

All right. There we go. This has been ...


Dean Saddoris:

That's how we brew it.


Danny Lehr:

Hey, go on YouTube, check out this [inaudible 00:34:42], if you want to see Dean fondle a giant white scrotum.


Dean Saddoris:

The sock.


Danny Lehr:

The sock.


Dean Saddoris:

What is it called again?


Danny Lehr:

The ...


Dean Saddoris:

The corridor?


Danny Lehr:

The corridor. Cory adore.


Dean Saddoris:

Cory adore.


Danny Lehr:

Yeah, it's a Costa Rican way to brew coffee. It's basically like a pour-over, but instead of a funnel, it's like a sock. It's basically a sock. You use the actual sock, so when it's full and hanging down, it looks like a saggy scrotum or a used condom.


Dean Saddoris:

I didn't read what the comment said, but somebody tagged ...


Danny Lehr:

Condoms are us?


Dean Saddoris:

No, like this corridor guy that sits down and interviews people over some corridors.


Danny Lehr:

Oh, fuck yeah.


Dean Saddoris:

On our store, I don't know if they're making fun of us or what they wrote, because it wasn't in English. But, I clicked on it and this guy had three or four videos. That was it, on this page. But, he was sitting down with people and it looked like pretty professionally done. And, they each had their own. And, they were just talking.


Danny Lehr:

I love just the Mexican and just South American and general. Like, South American culture.


Dean Saddoris:

Oh, yeah. No. It's awesome.


Danny Lehr:

I mean, central America too, I guess, right?


Dean Saddoris:

You know why? It's very minimal. It's a very minimalist culture.


Danny Lehr:

Central and South.


Dean Saddoris:

I'm all about that.


Danny Lehr:

Dude, [inaudible 00:35:50], like I just dude, I'm in it. Like, the vibe, like you put a pair of [inaudible 00:35:55] next to a [inaudible 00:35:56], you know damn well, they're from the same culture.


Dean Saddoris:

You know, honestly ...


Danny Lehr:

It's got that brown vibe.


Dean Saddoris:

I envy people that could just rock the same shoes every day and not care. Like you. I actually envy you. I wish I could do that, but I'm like, I'm sick, I think.


Danny Lehr:

The only reason why I wear different ones, is because I've got them. And so, something I match them to my outfit, but not because I really care, just because someone gave them to me.


Dean Saddoris:

See, I have a problem ... I think I have a legit problem. And, that's why I kind of like ... I sell shoes too, but then like ... And, I'll get you ones, but I wish I could just not do that. I just wish I could just wear the same shoes every day and not give a fuck.



But, it's just not me.


Danny Lehr:

Time to turn that corner.


Dean Saddoris:

I don't think I'm gonna change.


Danny Lehr:

This coffee's thick at the bottom. It's almost like sand in there. I'm gonna hammer it down.


Dean Saddoris:

Yeah. Do it. It's like a shot. A little Greek coffee, there.


Danny Lehr:

Gotta chew on it.


Dean Saddoris:

All righty. Till next time.


Danny Lehr:

[inaudible 00:36:51].


Dean Saddoris:

See ya.