IT’S FINALLY 2021 and you’re ready to ring in the new year with a new good habit. So we’ve created the CK3K Challenge where you can win a $100 gift card for doing 100 bodyweight squats/day, every day, for the month of January. (Sign up here!) All you need is your body and 2-5 minutes a day. And we know you can count, but here are some ways to breeze through your hundred:
When you’re at the office, you can do a set of squats every time you:
- get out of your chair
- want to procrastinate
- send an email
- talk to your coworker
- pass/go to the kitchen
- eat
- hear someone say your name
- think of your goals outside of work
- get up to go to the bathroom
- want to be somewhere else.
When you’re at home, you can do a set of squats every time you:
- respond to a text
- cook food
- get in/out of bed
- brush your teeth
- hear your kid yell for you
- pass the bathroom
- make a phone call (but really, if you’re on a call, just get all your squats in before you hang up. You’re used to multitasking.)
- touch the remote
- feed your animal
- take a shower.
Lastly, if you’re feeling frisky or just get bored, here are some squat variations you can do:
- Jump squat
- Single leg squat
- Sumo squat
- Box squat
- Squat jack
- Front squat
- Overhead squat
- Zercher squat
- Goblet squat
- Weighted barbell squat
While 100 squats sounds like a lot, it'll probably take less than 3 minutes of your day. And if you need help getting through it, we recommend grabbing a buddy and making them do it with you for a good old-fashioned "you go I go." Or a shot of Clearly Caffeine always works.