How to Use Deadlift or Lifting Straps Like a Pro
Are you looking to improve your physique, meet your wellness goals, or get stronger? Even those with great heart and extreme dedication can use a little support. One way to boost your strength and raise your stamina levels is by using lifting straps. Deadlift straps provide your hands with the comfort needed to push through a rough workout and your mind the peace it requires to keep moving. Learning how to use straps for lifting may help you achieve the gains you're looking for. Let’s discuss how to use weightlifting straps, some of the drawbacks of weight lifting straps, and what to look for in quality power lifting straps.
What Are Lifting Straps?
Weight lifting straps look like little belts you can hold in your hand. A typical heavy lifting strap runs about 1-2 inches thick and between 12-20 inches long.
Straps for deadlift can be made out of various materials, including:
- Nylon
- Leather
- Canvas
- Polyurethane
Lift straps create a shield around the hand and wrist. This same shield will inevitably fasten our hand to the weight. Essentially, lifting straps deadlift participants use are wrapped around the athlete’s hand, then the bar. In turn, we momentarily become one object. That unison will create major gains for us during our trips to the gym.
How to Wear Lifting Straps
Using weight lifting straps is easy. They are ideal for increasing accuracy in hitting that sweet spot during training. Once you start using straps for lifting, you’ll get the gains you’ve been working hard towards achieving. Thankfully, setting up your heavy lifting strap takes less than a minute.
For lasso style straps, grab one of the lifting straps, starting with the end without the loop. Thread it through the loop at the opposing end. This will create an arch you can slip your hand inside. Do this fastening procedure for both lifting straps.
Put your non-dominant hand through the loop you just created. The logo of your lifting straps should be facing the inside of your palm. Grab the excess strap from your wrist. It should nestle quite nicely between your thumb and index finger.
Double-check that you did this correctly by giving the excess a strap a tug. There should be very little slack. Now, you’re ready to attach your deadlift strap to the weightlifting bar.
How to Set Up Deadlift Straps
Now that you know how to wear lifting straps, it’s time to attach them to the weight. Approach the weight like you are about to train. Get into position and place your hands on the bar.
Once you have a good feel, wrap the excess strap between your thumb and index finger around the region of your typical hand placement. Use your thumb and index finger to continually curl the lifting straps securely around the bar. Make sure that you don’t overlap the lifting straps or tie them in a knot.
How to Use Straps for Lifting
After you’re done adhering your deadlift straps, your lifting straps should create enough space between your hands and the bar to support your palms and fingers. Once you have a decent grip, twist the bar towards your body. This motion will tighten the straps. You’re now ready to start your first workout with dead lifting straps.
After you finish your reps, return the weight to the ground. Slowly relieve your hands from the bar. Your power lifting straps will naturally unravel, freeing you from the weight.
When to Use Lifting Straps?
Using lifting straps is an excellent addition to any weightlifting workout routine. They assist you in lifting, suring up your grip and saving your hands from excess wear and tear. Therefore, it’s beneficial to use power lifting straps for pulling exercises.
Exercises where using lifting straps are common include:
- Deadlifts
- Shrugs
- Snatches
- Clean Pulls
While you should use a heavy lifting strap in training, weightlifting competitions do not allow the use of straps. So, don’t count on using your lifting straps if you’re entering a meet.
Benefits of Using Lifting Straps
There are many benefits of adding straps for deadlift to your workout routine. The most common is the comfort level. Using lifting straps creates a barrier between the rough knurling and your hands.
If you have bloody and torn up hands, don’t fret working out. A heavy lifting strap between bar and your hand will protect the wound more than metal-on-skin contact.
Improve Form
Many weightlifters get into their heads, worried about doing damage to their wrists and hands. Using lifting straps helps shift our focus from grip to making gains. Incorporating power lifting straps into your routine allows you to lift with relaxation in your arms.
Straps for lifting allows tension in your body to become evenly dispersed. In turn, you can pay better attention to your form and explore little nuances in your workout that will help you maximize your routine.
Pack on the Weights
Added support from power lifting straps also allows you to push your max. Since you are one with the bar, you don’t take into account how much weight it can be. So, you can get in extra reps at your current sweet spot. However, the support of a heavy lifting strap can also bridge the gap to heavier weights.
Where to Get Deadlift Wrist Straps
Now that you know how to use lifting straps, let’s discuss some qualities you might want to look for in a lifting strap. For one, you want something made with durable material. There’s nothing worse than the very thing you are buying to protect your hands getting worn out by a workout. It kind of defeats the purpose of purchasing lifting straps in the first place.
Not only should your lifting straps be durable, but they need to be breathable as well. Weightlifting causes immense strain on the body. Consequently, we tend to become sweaty messes. You want a product whose material allows for ventilation. Otherwise, you run the risk of damaging your deadlift wrist straps or causing gross bacterial growth.
That’s why we use reinforced X-stitches to create Caffeine & Kilos Lifting Straps. This material is flexible and sturdy. Its stitching allows adequate airflow while maintaining the integrity of the power lifting strap.
Lastly, straps for lifting should have comfort in mind. Lesser quality lifting straps can cause chaffing or leave an imprint from the textile on your skin. You’re already pushing your body to the limits and creating callouses. You don’t need any more physical reminders you’re pushing your body to your limits (unless it comes in the form of muscles).