Coffee and Diabetes are Related
There is a strong link between coffee and diabetes. For some, the coffee and type 2 diabetes connection is promising for their overall wellness. Meanwhile, others might sadly find that diabetes and coffee consumption don’t mix. On which end of the coffee and diabetes spectrum are you? We have a coffee and diabetes study for each scenario so you can make an educated decision about your dietary habits. Let’s discuss the coffee health benefits in preventing diabetes, as well as the drawbacks of coffee creamer and diabetes development.
Coffee and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention
We know there are several health benefits of coffee. Our morning brew is rich in antioxidants that boost our immune system and provides us with the caffeine we need to crush the day. Research shows yet another thing for what is coffee is good for might be diabetes prevention.
Harvard published an analysis of 1,000 patients over 20 years of coffee and diabetes studies. They followed each selected patient in their respective diabetes and coffee study over a four-year period. Researchers found that people who consumed an extra cup of coffee per day were 11% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.
Reducing Intake of Coffee and Diabetes Type 2 Development
As the Harvard researchers delved deeper into their coffee and diabetes findings, they uncovered an even more impressive statistic. Those who decreased their coffee consumption were at an increased risk of being diagnosed with diabetes by 17%.
These results made the researchers look for answers as to why type 2 diabetes and coffee consumption have such a powerful correlation. What they found was that coffee health benefits far exceed what we initially imagined. Let's take a closer look.
Are the Health Benefits of Caffeine Responsible for Diabetes Prevention?
Many of us just assume that the health benefits of caffeine must have something to do with the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Rightfully so! After all, caffeine is a stimulant.
This all-natural energy booster has proven to assist people in shedding excess weight around the waist. Seeing as there is a direct connection between obesity and diabetes, then caffeine must be responsible for that link between coffee and diabetes. Or so we thought.
The researchers compared their coffee and diabetes findings to research with tea. They were astounded to find out that caffeinated tea didn’t have the same results as coffee and diabetes studies. Therefore, it wasn’t the health benefits of caffeine that were responsible for the downregulation in the development of type 2 diabetes and coffee consumption.
Coffee Health Benefits Against Diabetes
One diabetes and coffee study found that drinking three to four cups of coffee per day can lower your chances of developing diabetes by 25%. Furthermore, your chances of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes decrease by 6% for each cup of coffee you add to your morning routine. So, what is the reason for coffee and gestational diabetes prevention?
For one, coffee is rich in 3,5 Dicaffeoylquinic acid destroys some of the most significant inflammatory biomarkers in our system. A cup of coffee is also an excellent source of quinic acid. This compound is rich in polyphenols that exhibit anti-hyperglycemic activity.
While coffee and type 2 diabetes development don’t go hand-in-hand, it doesn’t mean that someone with gestational diabetes should ramp up their coffee intake. For some, the coffee and diabetes connection isn’t such a celebrated affair. Let’s explore why.
Why Type 2 Diabetes and Black Coffee Might Not Mix
If you are one of the millions who have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, drinking coffee might not be the best decision. One diabetes and coffee study gave caffeine pills to people with type 2 diabetes. They compared the blood plasma and glucose levels to other people with diabetes who took a placebo.
These results found that the link between diabetes and coffee isn't ideal for someone who already has a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. The study concluded that blood glucose levels of people who took caffeine would increase after a meal. Furthermore, these subjects also exhibited elevated insulin resistance.
One of the reasons for these results has to do with genetics. Much like some people are predisposed to developing diabetes, caffeine sensitivity and metabolism are also qualities we inherit from our family lineage. In one diabetes and coffee study, researchers found that people who metabolize caffeine slowly tend to have higher blood sugar levels.
Coffee Creamer and Diabetes Risk
If you are following a coffee and diabetes prevention protocol, drinking your Mochafrappawhodunnit isn’t going to work. These artificial creamers are laden with additives and synthetic ingredients that promote obesity and, inevitably, the onset of type 2 diabetes.
Some of the worst ingredients in coffee creamer that promote diabetes development include:
- Corn Syrup
- Partially-Hydrogenated Oils
- Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate
- Sodium Caseinate
- High-Fructose Corn Syrup
- Carrageenan
Also, be leery of anything that lists "flavor" as an ingredient, even if they tag on the word "natural" before it. "Natural" is just a word that looks healthy on paper. In reality, it's presence should raise a red flag to consumers.
Manufacturing companies who implement "natural flavor" in their concoctions take an organic object (like french vanilla beans) and generate a flavor to mimic it. They may even use natural products to create it. After all, corn is natural. Yet, it's used to make high-fructose corn syrup, one of the most unhealthy additives in the world.
Your best bet to forgo all the extras. Diabetes and black coffee don’t mix. It’s Coffee Mate and diabetes that do.
Other Things to Avoid in Coffee and Diabetes Prevention
As if the coffee creamer wasn’t fortified with several potentially harmful ingredients, we pour some sugar in it. Trust us; it’s not in the name of love. It’s the name of diabetes.
Coffee Mate and diabetes might as well Netflix and chill with one another. In that scenario, the sugars we add to our home brew is like the microwaved butter popcorn that Coffee Mate and diabetes eat together on the couch.
White table sugar is highly-refined. That means a majority of the benefits of cane sugar are stripped away from the final product. In turn, you’re left with a sticky substance that loves to stick to your fat tissues.
Not to mention, sugar isn’t a natural snowy color. Many manufacturers go the extra mile and bleach the granules. This bleach might not cause diabetes, but we can’t imagine there’d be many benefits to drinking it. Just ask the people who tried Tide Pods a couple of years ago how that went.
Are There Sugars and Coffee Creamer for Diabetes?
There are numerous health benefits to caffeine and coffee, especially if you are trying to promote diabetes prevention. You just can’t muck up your coffee health with all the extras that bog down your wellness.
If you don’t like the flavor of black coffee, opt for dairy milk or plant milk. Don’t go overboard with it. Just use enough to lighten the color. Also, make sure that the dairy milk is hormone-free. You don’t need to swallow a bunch of endocrine disruptors when you’re trying to get your diabetes in check.
Whether you're opting for dairy milk or plant milk, make sure the product is non-GMO verified and organic. There's a reason why cases of diabetes have increased in the era of mass production. Companies are taking shortcuts everywhere, and it's leading to a decrease in our quality of life.
You'll be hard-pressed to find a person with diabetes who doesn't have a self-professed sweet tooth. Don't cave in to the temptation. If you must really add a sweetener, go light with it.
Potential natural sweeteners for coffee include:
- Honey
- Maple Syrup
- Sugar in the Raw
- Cinnamon
- Cacao
- Coconut Sugar
- Stevia
Let’s be real with ourselves for a second. As far as the sweeteners go, you should really stay away if you’re trying to prevent diabetes. If you are drinking this cup of joe for coffee and gestational diabetes prevention, be sure to check your blood sugar levels before and after drinking. This sort of knowledge will go a long way in maintaining optimal wellness during a coffee health protocol.
How to Follow a Coffee and Diabetes Protocol
Look, if you’re going to dress up your coffee with an ounce of cream and pound of sugar, then you’re drinking the wrong type of coffee. The right coffee tastes delicious on its own and needs very little pomp and circumstance.
Caffeine & Kilos PR Blend coffee is a light-medium roast. Its velvety smooth texture is ideal for those who don't love the taste of coffee. However, there's enough of a bite that the snobbiest of coffee snobs will enjoy. With Caffeine & Kilos PR Blend, coffee and diabetes prevention has never been easier.
If you are serious about coffee and type 2 diabetes prevention, consider getting a six-month subscription of PR Blend. A coffee subscription is the perfect gift for your loved one (or yourself). Wellness is delivered to the door every month. This peace of mind takes one more chore off your plate!