What is Inside a Cup of Coffee?

We know every detail about the things we love. We’re up-to-date on fantasy stats, know which button will set our spouse off, and all of the pivotal lines of our favorites movies. However, do you know everything about your cup of coffee? There are many beneficial compounds found naturally in coffee, these are referred to as bio coffee ingredients. Bio coffee ingredients are rich in antioxidants that can help you fight disease, increase focus, and regrow your hair! However, not all coffee ingredients are created equally. There’s a massive difference in the benefits of Bulletproof coffee ingredients to Green Mountain Coffee ingredients. We’re going to discuss them all!
What is Inside a Cup of Coffee?

We know every detail about the things we love. We’re up-to-date on fantasy stats, know which button will set our spouse off, and all of the pivotal lines of our favorites movies. However, do you know everything about your cup of coffee? There are many beneficial compounds found naturally in coffee, these are referred to as bio coffee ingredients. Bio coffee ingredients are rich in antioxidants that can help you fight disease, increase focus, and regrow your hair! However, not all coffee ingredients are created equally. There’s a massive difference in the benefits of Bulletproof coffee ingredients to Green Mountain Coffee ingredients. We’re going to discuss them all!

Activate Coffee Ingredients Health Benefits

Before diving deep into the ingredients of specific coffees, let’s just talk about coffee in general. Black coffee health benefits are plentiful. It’s when you start dressing up your cup with all the added nonsense when the coffee ingredients health benefits begin to diminish. 

Fatty creamers and nutrient-deficient sugars diminish potent antioxidants in coffee ingredients. So, what are the ingredients in coffee we should be getting more of? Let’s take a look at some of the standard coffee ingredients that can improve your overall wellness.


Caffeine is the primary reason that millions of people drink coffee every day. This chemical is an all-natural stimulant. It binds to receptors in the brain that generally interact with adenosine, a neurotransmitter prone to slowing the system down. Health benefits of caffeine include improved cognitive performance, trimming fat, and detoxifying the liver. 


2-Ethylphenol is one of the lesser-known compounds in coffee. We do know it’s credited for giving coffee beans a faint medicinal odor. This compound is slightly water-soluble. So, you can actually see the 2-Ethylphenol bubble up to the crema

Quinic acid

As the name suggests, quinic acid gives your cup of brew its acidic profile. You can tell there is more quinic acid in a brew by how sour the flavor is. Hey, sours aren’t just growing in popularity at breweries! 

Quinic acid also has the potential for boosting the immune system. In fact, it’s one of the starter chemicals used to formulate Tamiflu. 

The longer the beans roast, the more quinic acid they produce. That’s why dark roasts have a more bitter bite than light roast blends. With that said, light roasts have more antioxidants. So, there’s a little balance in partaking in both dark and light roast. 

However, you can play it safe and go down the middle of the road by getting Caffeine & Kilos PR Blend. This medium/light roast is crafted with organic South American coffee beans bred to produce 50% more caffeine.

3.5 Dicaffeoylquinic Acid

This beneficial compound is derived from quinic acid. 3.5 dicaffeoylquinic acid is a potent antioxidant. In vivo studies have shown that this molecule stops the development of free radicals.

Free radicals are precursors to many illnesses, including cancer. Seeing as 3.5 dicaffeoylquinic acid naturally occurs thanks to other molecules in coffee, this shows how deep bio coffee ingredients go in promoting good health.  

Dimethyl disulfide

This potent molecule is mostly present in green coffee beans. A majority of this molecule dies off upon roasting. That’s lucky for us. As sulfide implies, this molecule can have a bad smell. 

While trace amounts of dimethyl disulfide are active coffee ingredients, these molecules still enrich the brew with benefits. Research shows this compound to have powerful anti-inflammatory traits. In addition, it plays a role in skin cell healing, improving nail strength, and reducing the appearance of scars. 


Sure, coffee may stain your teeth a bit. However, it also saves your choppers from bacterial infections. Research shows that trigonelline prevents the growth of Streptococcus mutans on teeth.

These pathogenic bacteria cause plaque to build up on the teeth. Usually, an abundance of Streptococcus mutans is present when someone develops tooth decay.


Around 158° F, trigonelline begins to transform into niacin (Vitamin B3). So, if you like your coffee piping hot, you’re going to have more niacin than its predecessor. 

Niacin is essential in elevating levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL cholesterol). In turn, excess levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL cholesterol) decreases. 

Also, niacin plays a crucial role in the production of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+). Our body uses NAD+ to convert nutrients from our food into energy sources of cells. This positive effect makes niacin one of the most critical coffee ingredients health conscious drinkers seek. 


Love the buttery taste of fresh coffee? You can thank acetylmethylcarbinol. In fact, these bio coffee ingredients are also responsible for the buttery flavor of butter. Suffice to say; acetylmethylcarbinol is a primary molecule in Bulletproof coffee ingredients.


This molecule is mainly present in green coffee beans as they get harvested. Putrescine is produced when amino acids oxidize. It’s also released by bacteria, such as Escherichia coli (E.coli), who consume the amino acids. The scent of dying amino acids is why many call putrescine, “the smell of death.” 

Thankfully, putrescine is in small doses on a coffee ingredients list. However, it still lends some benefits to a cup of java. Research suggests putrescine has neuroprotective capabilities and plays a role in regulating skin cell production.


This antioxidant is typically found in cacao beans. However, coffee beans have a respectable amount, as well. That’s great for people with respiratory issues. 

Research shows that theophylline is an excellent bronchodilator. In fact, some prescriptions use theophylline to treat Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) containing these coffee ingredients! In studies, theophylline was effective in helping symptoms associated with bronchitis and emphysema. 


Cafestol is one of the oils you see floating on the top of the crema that gives coffee ingredients health benefits. This aromatic molecule has shown that these bio coffee ingredients are excellent for diabetes prevention

One study on cafestol found this molecule increases insulin production. Furthermore, insulin was still produced in the presence of glucose. Lastly, cafestol upped glucose intake through muscles, leaving less of these sugars in the system.  


Kahweol is the partner-in-crime for cafestol. It, too, creates a layer of oils along the crema that adds aromatic nuances to a cup of coffee. These coffee ingredients don’t just boost the flavor profile of coffee. It also improves your cell production.

Studies involving kahweol find that it encourages apoptosis. Apoptosis is a molecular process that allows cells to die and regrow stronger. When this process gets thrown off, it leaves the body susceptible to the growth of free radicals.

Coffee Ingredients List for Types of Coffee

It’s one thing to know what are the ingredients in coffee beans naturally. Black coffee is dripping (literally) with beneficial minerals. As coffee drinkers, we can either add to these benefits or hinder them. Let’s take a look at popular coffee trends and the ingredients in them. 

Bulletproof Coffee Ingredients 

One of the healthiest ways to maximize your coffee ingredients health benefits is to make Bulletproof coffee. This Keto-friendly craze mixes coffee with high-quality fats, such as grass-fed butter and MCT oil.

Healthy fats absorb the nutrients found in coffee. That way, your body can metabolize these compounds more efficiently. Grass-fed butter is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that promote a healthy lifestyle, such as Vitamin A and Vitamin K.

MCT oil is the most efficient energy source for humans. Due to its moderate molecular length, we burn through most of the chain. Therefore, the fats don’t stock up around our gut lining. Instead, we use up the MCTs and absorb all of the coffee ingredients the fats soaked up.

Skinny Coffee Ingredients

Skinny Coffee takes coffee ingredients and blends them into a powder enriched with a litany of beneficial botanicals. Together, these coffee ingredients promote weight loss and fat-burning. 

Skinny Coffee ingredients include:

  • Spirulina - Algae that promotes cellular health
  • Ground Green Coffee Bean Extract - Concentrated antioxidants
  • Garcinia Cambogia - Appetite suppressant
  • Siberian Ginseng Powder - Fights inflammation, including edema

While Skinny Coffee ingredients are all-natural, they definitely change up the flavor of your coffee. So, don’t expect this to taste like the cups you’re used to!

Green Mountain Coffee Ingredients

Green Mountain Coffee is one of the most mass-produced brands in the world. Their beans are all artificially flavored to resemble flavors like blueberry, caramel, and vanilla cream. 

What rocketed Green Mountain Coffee up the food chain of coffee brands is the brand’s embracement of K-cups. Often times these K-cups are a pollution nightmare.  That is why Caffeine and Kilos PR Blend is offered in cartridges that are fully recyclable.

Many of these pods are stuffed with preservatives that actually deplete the beneficial compounds. That’s why when you brew a K-cup, you don’t see as many bubbles floating at the surface.  Again, Caffeine and Kilos PR Blend Cartridges do not have any preservatives or additives.  They are just ground coffee sealed in the pods for convenience.

Where to Get Quality Coffee Ingredients

The problem with Skinny Coffee ingredients is that they alter the flavor of the coffee. Therefore, we’re more likely to water down the benefits with fatty milk products and refined sugars. Similarly, Green Mountain Coffee ingredients are mainly artificial. Still, we find ourselves adding onto it. The best way to get quality coffee ingredients is  by getting organic light/medium roast coffee.

With minimal roasting, Caffeine & Kilos PR Blend is rich in beneficial coffee ingredients. It contains 50% more caffeine to promote better focus, improve performance, and support the immune system. Not to mention, our PR Blend blends masterfully with other Bulletproof coffee ingredients. So, you can make gains in your health...and the workout room.