The Movement

3/2/20 | Athlete Success, Bands in Front Squats...
This is a big part of why Caffeine and Kilos started. That first event, the 2013 Caffeine and Kilos Invitational was organized to bring top athletes together. The goal was...
3/2/20 | Athlete Success, Bands in Front Squats...
This is a big part of why Caffeine and Kilos started. That first event, the 2013 Caffeine and Kilos Invitational was organized to bring top athletes together. The goal was...

2/3/20 | Midnight Magic, and Return of GSC
Good morning, But, what's the point? What is Caffeine and Kilos all about? I get that question often - definitely every time I get interviewed for a new podcast or...
2/3/20 | Midnight Magic, and Return of GSC
Good morning, But, what's the point? What is Caffeine and Kilos all about? I get that question often - definitely every time I get interviewed for a new podcast or...

1/6/20 | 2019 Review, Rainha do Rio, and The Ef...
What are you proud of? Often this time of year people are talking about what they are going to do. Their resolutions, the things they want to change...that they are...
1/6/20 | 2019 Review, Rainha do Rio, and The Ef...
What are you proud of? Often this time of year people are talking about what they are going to do. Their resolutions, the things they want to change...that they are...

12/09/19 | 2020 Vision, Coffee & Weightlifting,...
What is the one thing you want to accomplish? Don't worry, this isn't about making the perfect New Years Resolution, it's about taking on just one challenge. Maybe it's something...
12/09/19 | 2020 Vision, Coffee & Weightlifting,...
What is the one thing you want to accomplish? Don't worry, this isn't about making the perfect New Years Resolution, it's about taking on just one challenge. Maybe it's something...

11/04/19 | Your Story, Gold at World Cup, Motiv...
Caffeine and Kilos X Barbells For Boobs Your story: Tiffanie Encinas "Breast cancer puts a complete halt on your entire life. CrossFit was a huge part of me when I...
11/04/19 | Your Story, Gold at World Cup, Motiv...
Caffeine and Kilos X Barbells For Boobs Your story: Tiffanie Encinas "Breast cancer puts a complete halt on your entire life. CrossFit was a huge part of me when I...

9/30/19 | Fill In The Blank, Also Known As: The...
Caffeine and Kilos makes me ____________ It’s not easy to Fill in the Blank sometimes. But it’s important. While it’s popular to be negative and choose a nice cozy excuse to validate...
9/30/19 | Fill In The Blank, Also Known As: The...
Caffeine and Kilos makes me ____________ It’s not easy to Fill in the Blank sometimes. But it’s important. While it’s popular to be negative and choose a nice cozy excuse to validate...